UNDERSTANDING T LEVELSThe new technical qualifications available in England
There are already 10 different T Levels you can study
Different areas will be available by September 2023What is a T Level
T Levels are a 2-year qualification in England that focus on vocational skills. They are an alternative to A levels, other post-16 courses or an apprenticeship.
You’ll have an 80/20 split of classroom learning / employment placement. They have been designed with businesses and employers and you’ll spend at least 45 days gaining meaningful experience in the work place.
T Level Subjects
Take a look at our new T Level Explore tool!
- see all your T Level options
- find out where in England you can study T Levels
- link to useful info about T Levels
- see what careers they lead to and job vacancies
100,000’s of students
from over four thousand UK schools
have already started exploring their future options