Student Experience
Understanding customer demand has enabled us to improve the way we work. Gathering real intelligence from customer contact has allowed us to shape our course offering and remove students’ day to day frustrationsKristine Murray - Marketing, Digital Media & Admissions Manager
Measure what matters
Easily capture what’s making your students confused, sad, angry or even what’s making them happy 🙂
Understand your students’ mood
Colleges & universities have used the student experience service to help them understand why their students are contacting them – across all campuses and student services
Voice of the student
Spot what’s important
Enabling you to focus on what matters to your students, to ensure key issue are dealt with effectively
Report what matters
At a glance intelligence
The Director’s Cut will give your senior managers an immediate insight into your students – no hiding place for poor service delivery
Evidence based decisions
Focusing on what matters to your students has never been easier.
Some of the places we were up and running within a week…
It really works – just ask Blackpool and the Fylde College
The challenges facing B&FC
Having teams in different locations
Our Student Experience tool allows you to capture student wherever it occurs. Remove intelligence blind spots that could negatively impact your NSS scores
Management wanted facts not anecdotes
Always having the latest information on students allowed B&FC to put their students’ at the heart of decision making
Difficult to make IT changes
Like most colleges and universities making changes to IT is difficult…have you tried commissioning a CRM solution?!?
Our solution won’t get in the way of you doing your job